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Top-up vs Equity release

Distinguishing between top up, equity release, refinance and switch/refix applications

Salestrekker HQ avatar
Written by Salestrekker HQ
Updated over 11 months ago

Main difference between top-ups and equity release deals is in the lender change:

  • Top-up means the loan is with the same lender, just the additional funds are required;

  • Equity release means the loan is with the new lender, with balance refinanced and extra funds required.

  • Refinance means that current loan balance (and extra funds) are going to be provide by a new lender. Refinance option can be used instead of equity release (check with the lender if this is acceptable).

These options are selected in the Funding Worksheet.

Effect on Mortgage registration fees

  • Top-up application does not require Mortgage registration fees to be paid

  • Equity release and refinance applications require Mortgage registration fees to be paid

Effect on loan amount in Funding worksheet

For top-up and equity release, loan amount in Funding worksheet is the increase amount. Kindly note: This amount adds to the existing loan balance to calculate LVR:

Note: For refinance application, Proposed loan amount displayed are funds required (i.e. Balance+any increase).

Effect on product search

Total loan amount will transfer to Search loan product  tab to ensure correct products are displayed. Here you enter the sum of your existing and increase amount:

Effect on product comparison and selection

For top-up, equity release loan amount presented in Review loan products tab is the increased amount.

For refinance applications loan amount presented in Review loan products tab is the total loan amount.

Top-up vs Switch/Refix

When the lender remains the same and settled deal requires new fixed or variable product (or interest only extension) without increase in approved loan amount, application is 'Switch' (or 'Refix' in New Zealand).

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