Salestrekker Pricing

What are the costs and where can I find information about different Plans

Phillip Djukanovic avatar
Written by Phillip Djukanovic
Updated over a week ago

After trial, we offer two available user plans:

  • CRM: $79.99 per user a month - contains all CRM features

  • Mortgage Broker: $179.99 per Broker a month and $79.99 per Loan processor staff - contains all CRM features + Broker tools

You can see what is included in each plan on our website:

Please note there are additional costs for these features that are going to be billed on top of your subscription, regardless of a plan:

Phone line: $29.99 per rented phone line per month (no minutes limitation)
SMS package credits: $49.99 for 1000 SMS
Annature eSignatures credits: $49.99 for 100 credits

To learn more about payment and additional options, see these articles.

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