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Teamchat Feature

How to set up and use Chat function for teams

Dalibor Ivkovic avatar
Written by Dalibor Ivkovic
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of Chat function is to improve collaboration in medium and larger sized teams. Chat often replaces internal emails and as such greatly reduces time waste often associated with internal emails (yes - time waste).

Chat is only available within Enterprise deployments of Salestrekker. It can be launched from within the CRM, however the url will contain '' after the enterprise prefix.

Chat can be launched as a 'www' as well as a desktop or a mobile app. 

Setup - Team

Once you login to chat as administrator you will have option to configure team settings. Click on main menu in top left and select "Team Settings".

Here you will have basic options to change team name, description and upload team icon (that will appear when changing between workplaces where applies). You can restrict access of potential users per email domain - so that only ones with specified domains can gain access to the team.

Option "Allow any user with an account on this server to join this team" means that any user with Salestrekker account will be able to join it if invited. Bottom option, "Invite Code", allows you to reset your invitation code that you're sending to team members.

Also there is a Import feature option in the left sidebar of Team Settings which will allow you to import data from Slack public channels.

Setup - Account 

To setup your account click on main menu and select option "Account Settings".

In the sidebar of Account Settings you will have main navigation. Most important are:

  • General - you can change your personal information and upload profile picture. 

  • Security - you can change your password.

  • Notifications - you can opt-in how and when to be notified on new messages. You can turn on Email notifications and setup options on replies and mentions as well.

  • Display - change chat color theme, clock display, time zone, teammate name display and other visual options regarding look and feel.

Invite Users 

To invite users click on main menu and select "Invite People".

You will have two options how to invite users - share invitation link or type the name of the colleagues to invite them to the team. With invitation link they will be guided to a page where they can signup.


On left sidebar you have options to navigate and open public and private channels, direct messages and groups.

Top right on the screen you have additional options - to see members of particular channel/group, to invite participants to video call, to filter pinned items, mentions and flagged posts as well as to use search to find entries you need.

Create public channel or private channels simply by clicking on plus icon and filling in needed details. Anyone will be able to join public channels and on private you would choose who would have the access.

To create a custom group chat press on plus icon on "direct messages", type names of members you want to add then press plus icon on right hand side or press Enter on keyboard to add them in. List of participants will populate at the top. Once ready press "Go" button to start the group.

Making Voice and Video Calls

In any channel, group or direct message you can easily start a video call by clicking on the icon in top right.

This will create a video link and post it as a message to the thread. To enter it simply click on "Join" button and you will be redirected to a tab where video conference will be set.


Chat Feature is accessible via browser at any moment and in addition there are apps that can be installed on all computer and phone platforms. To install on chat apps on multiple devices just follow the same process.

Open next link and make selection you would like to install:

Once download is completed and app is opened (either on mobile or computer), add name of the and paste your '' then click add for login page to load. Name will only be displayed for you so you can type in anything that you wish.

After that just add your login details for chat account and you will be signed in. Please note that this is not your Salestrekker login details but login details for chat feature.

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