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Main Elements of Salestrekker

Deals, Tasks, Contacts, Reports, Settings, Connect Center

Lilly avatar
Written by Lilly
Updated over 2 years ago

Main parts of Salestrekker are found in main menu with: Deals, Tasks, Contacts, Reports, Library and Dashboard. Along them, Connect center and Settings are vital parts of Salestrekker as well.


Deals are a central piece of Salestrekker. It helps you to organise better and simply add deals, notes, assign tasks and change deal status and stages on spot. Actions in deals influence all other options to update and change in other parts of the system. 

In it you have your workflow displayed with all deals in all of the stages. Deal tickets contain visual information which can indicate to you status of the deal and most important information.


Tasks screen contains list of all tasks relevant to you from all deals and workflows that you are associated with. It is easy way to keep yourself on track and committing focus until completion of key activities. You can automate tasks creation, by adding them to workflow automation. You will receive email and SMS reminders about unfinished tasks, according to your notification preferences.


Contacts tab contains all contacts of a user or an organization. Navigate through them, track complete relationship with each of them, edit and fill their info, send them marketing campaigns and easily contact them via email, phone or SMS from the spot.


To quickly get up to speed about actions that are taking place in Salestrekker, go to Dashboard and give yourself a quick tour of latest updates. 

Dashboard has three parts. On the left is graphics/statistics about deals and the business performance. In the middle column is information about latest, most valuable and won deals and on the right column you will find the latest feeds about your deals. This can be shared with admin users only or with the entire company.

Connect Center

Connect Center is located as last option of Salestrekker main navigation. It contains integrated chat and phone from which you can place calls and send SMS messages.


Settings contain all customizable options of Salestrekker. You can set up everything from your own details to users, their roles and permissions. You can customize appearance of your Salestrekker organization and set up your own process regarding workflows, client segmentation, status tags etc.

When starting with Salestrekker for the first time, we advise to visit Settings first in order to set up process and appearance.

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