Only the Organisation owner can request data export.ย
Users wanting data export need to request this from the Organisation owner.
Organisation owner is listed on User list
Organisation owner also receives an email that the export has been requested.
Export process occurs in the background and can take from 10 minutes up to a few hours (depending on the database size and a number of exports occurring at the same time).
Organisation owner receives an email notifying them that export is completed.
Organisation owner downloads the file and can then email it to the requesting user.
Data file contains several CSV files: Deals, Contacts, Notes and Tasks. These can be linked if required to import elsewhere.
Data export does not contain documents. These can be synced in each deal to a linked Dropbox or Google Drive account.
Finding Who is Organisation Owner
Users with Admin privileges can find out who the Organisation owner is.
Go to Settings > Organisation/Users and see who is listed as the owner in the list of users:
NOTE: If you do not see who is the owner of your Organisation, please contact your aggregator for assistance.
Requesting an Export (Organisation Owner)
Go to Settings (1) and scroll down to the 'Export' tab in the sidebar (2). Click on '+ NEW DATA EXPORT' button (3).ย
In the dialog screen select download for a single user or entire organization (4) and click on 'Confirm' (5). ย
Important note: Please do not request several entire organization exports. Initiate only one and kindly wait for that to be processed. In case any problems encounter contact us on live chat.
Request will be visible on the Export screen as 'Queued' or 'Processing' (6). Note that only Organisation owners can see download icon.
Managing Exports (Organisation Owner)
Organisation owner will receive an email notifying them of the request and that export was completed:
Once 'Export completed' email is received, the Organisation owner needs to log in to the organisation, go to Settings/Export and click on download button (7). Note - Download link will only be valid for 24 hours.
Download file (ZIP) contains several CSVs containing all export data:
Use ZIP utility to open ZIP file and Excel/Numbers to open CSV files.
Watch this short video with the demo of this feature: