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Organisation Settings

How to configure Organization setting in Salestrekker 2.0 and organization details, how to manage users and how to customize appearance?

Miles Tomic avatar
Written by Miles Tomic
Updated over a month ago

The Organization Settings section in Salestrekker 2.0 allows users to configure essential details for their organization, manage user accounts, and ensure all relevant information is accurately reflected across the platform. This guide covers how to manage organization details, including contact information, professional licenses, and appearance settings, as well as how to manage users within the organization.

Organization Details

The Organization Details section is where users can input and manage the fundamental information about their organization.

Organization Information:

  • Name: The official name of the organization.

  • ABN: Australian Business Number or equivalent registration number.

  • Location: The geographical location of the organization.

  • Language: The default language setting for the organization.

  • Currency and Rate: The default currency and exchange rate used.

  • Time Zone, Date Format, and Time Format: Set the default time zone and preferred date and time formats for your organization.

Organization Contact Details:

Add email addresses, websites, phone numbers, fax numbers, and any other relevant contact information. This information can be utilized in communication and documentation templates.

Address Information:

Input different business addresses, including the registered address, principal place of business, and mailing address. These details ensure accurate representation in all official documents.

Professional Licenses:

Input up to six organization licenses and six ID details. These fields are essential for compliance purposes and are included in documents generated from Salestrekker.

Organization Appearance:

Customize the organization’s visual branding within Salestrekker by uploading an In-App Logo (small emblem) and a Document Logo (larger logo for documents). Select an organization theme color to match your branding.

Managing Users

The Users section allows organization admins to manage user accounts and their roles within the organization.

Viewing and Searching Users:

Access the full list of users by clicking on the Users tab under Organization Settings. Use the search bar at the top to narrow down the displayed users by name.

User Actions and Roles:

Assign roles which manage permissions directly from the user list by selecting the appropriate role from the dropdown menu.

By clicking on the Action icon on the right hand side you will get the list of options that you can perform on the selected user.

You can find additional details about user account Roles and Permissions

in the article provided here.

User activity

By clicking on actions button and then User activity you will get the list of all the relevant actions that user has performed in a list that will display. It will show when the user performed key actions, such as log into the system, or changed some important changes in organization or on other user.

Adding New or Existing Users:

  • Add New User from Organisation settings: This option is for adding users who are not yet part of the Salestrekker system. Fill in details such as first name, last name, email, and phone number. The new user will receive a verification email and phone number confirmation before their account becomes active.

  • Add New User from Enterprise settings: New accounts can be created from Settings > Enterprise > Organisations tab as well. To add a new user here, click on the dots actions menu of the organisation to which you want to add a new user.

    Fill in details such as first name, last name, email, and phone number. The new user will receive a verification email and phone number confirmation before their account becomes active.

  • Add Existing User (Identity) from Organisation settings: Use this option to add users who already have an account in the Salestrekker system. Provide the necessary details and confirm the identity email to add them to your organization.

  • Add Existing User (Identity) from Enterprise settings: Existing user accounts can be added from Settings > Enterprise > Organisations tab as well. To add an existing user to a new organisation, click on the dots actions menu of the organisation to which you want to add the user.

    Use the search bar to find the user and select them from the offered results in the drop-down.

Users have the option to create a separate identity that is connected to their original account. This allows users to have various identities with unique email addresses for different organisations.

By having multiple identities, they can easily switch between each organisation they are a part of using their designated identity.

You can find additional details about user Accounts and Identities in the article provided here.

Removing Users:

To remove a user, click the Action button next to their name and select Delete User. You will be prompted to reassign any pending tasks or data to another user before confirming the deletion.

Removed users are sent to the Archived Users section, where they can be permanently deleted.

Settings Inheritance

Salestrekker 2.0 offers the possibility to the users to distribute process setup, settings and their personalised templates from higher to lower organisations in the Enterprise hierarchy. When creating one or multiple sub-organisations (groups and branches), users are able to configure desired setup only in the main (parent) organisation - and automatically propagate/inherit the same configuration to the lower level (child) organisations:

When user configures settings in the 'parent' organisation or in the Main enterprise, the system can automatically propagate the settings and changes to 'Groups' - lower level (child) organisations. Further, once 'Groups' inherit those settings they automatically propagate them further below - to 'Branches'.

'Groups' settings can be also configured separately from the main enterprise and in that case, only branches placed beneath them in the hierarchy inherit their settings.

Relying on this functionality, users can save the immense amount of time during initial process setup and on every future occasion, when the process and document templates are being modified. For example, users can propagate the organisation details settings from higher to lower organisation entities:

  • Broker Tools - tools settings, lenders, commission groups & contracts, financial positions buffers.

  • Organisation details settings - appearance, professional licences details etc.

  • Workflow settings (default deal types, deal stages, team members etc.)

In short, the following items can be propagated:

  • Broker tools items

  • Template items

  • Process items (excluding automatons)

It is crucial to note that if any item is deleted in the parent org, will also be deleted in all its child organisations, with the exception of Workflows, who will instead become fully editable.

Another note when it comes to inherited Workflows and its inherited stages is that they cannot be edited (exception will be adding new team members to the workflow).

When you create new stages in an inherited Workflow, they will not be subject to the no-edit rule. In other words, these new stages can be fully edited.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  1. Missing Organization Details: Ensure all mandatory fields are filled out to avoid compliance issues.

  2. User Role Conflicts: Double-check user roles and permissions to ensure proper access levels.

  3. Deleting Users: Be cautious when deleting users; always reassign data to prevent loss of information.

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