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Invite client to Client Portal
Invite client to Client Portal

Guide to Client Portal use. Inviting and Revoking access to Client Portal.

Dalibor Ivkovic avatar
Written by Dalibor Ivkovic
Updated over a week ago

Client Portal is used to collect data and documents from clients and to enable a simple platform to communicate with clients during their application process.

Giving access to Client Portal

Client is invited to the portal form the 'Deal View' screen. Simply click on 'Share deal on Client Portal' button located in top right green buttons, above deal details.

Click on the name of the client you wish to give the portal access to.

In the next popup window, select the sections of client's fact find you wish them to complete in their portal. You can also select to request Bankstatements from the portal as well (integration must be activated first).

Lastly, click on the 'Share' button in the bottom right corner of the popup window.

A new deal note will be created recording the invitation.

Client must have unique email address and phone number entered for their contact details so the portal can be shared with them.

Client will receive an email invite, containing the link to the Client Portal login page and a SMS with 6-digit passcode.

Client Portal works well in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and Opera browsers.

Deal owner will receive an email notifying them of PIN number that can be shared with the client in case they don't receive the PIN code via SMS.

Note: If there is more than one applicant, you should always send invitation to only one of them, and the applicants can enter the data together.

Also note that if a client is added as Company, only basic (personal) info can be filled in - there will be no option for completing full client portal.

Revoking access to Client Portal

It is important to know that client's access to their Client Portal will stay active until the access is manually revoked.

Note: When settling and closing deals, the portal should always be deactivated beforehand.

To un-invite client, simply click on the Client Portal button in 'Deal View' again and confirm revocation in the dialog screen.

The Client Portal button should now be outlined instead of full green.

Note: If you've had previous deals with the client make sure you have revoked portal access in all previous deals.

If a previous deal is settled (locked) you will have to unlock it first, revoke the portal access and then settle it again.

Client Portal Invitation Troubleshooting

In order for your client portal invitation to work, there are a couple of conditions to be met:

  1. Client's e-mail and mobile phone number must be entered correctly

  2. Your SMS must be setup in Salestrekker 'Connect' section

  3. You need to make sure that you have available SMS credits

  4. Privacy disclosure document link needs to be added in the settings

  5. You cannot share portal with yourself (needs to be a different phone number)

If client doesn't receive either e-mail or SMS first thing to do is to check point 1.

If everything is ok, check point 2 using following steps:

Go to 'Settings', on your left hand side scroll down until you see tab 'Connect'. Click on "Connect' and make sure your settings look as in picture below:

The last thing to check is if you have SMS credits available. You can check that by going to 'Settings' and on your left hand side scroll down until you see tab 'Billing Details'. Click on that tab and you will see how many SMS you have available. On this tab also, you will be able to purchase additional SMS credits

If you are testing Client Portal using your own e-mail and mobile phone, it will not work, as telecoms do not allow users to send SMS to themselves. When deal has same number as sender and receiver Client Portal SMS pin authentication code doesn't get delivered.

How to test Client Portal and have everything working?

  • Add another phone number to client that you have access to (example: office mobile, colleague, spouse etc.). That way you will be able to receive SMS and enter it in browser when needed.

  • Change deal owner from yourself to someone else - team member or Salestrekker support staff (to have this option you would probably need to assign them to a workflow where deal is located).

Watch our Client Portal demo on this video:

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