In order to have a full Equifax report, you need to have some minimal mandatory info filled in, such as contact's full name, address, gender, DOB, information about driver license.
Kindly note that residential address and current employer must be in Australia.
Below are examples of some of the most common errors when doing the credit check, with instructions on how to fix them.
Incorrect client details related errors (No enquiry ID returned error)
This is the example of incorrectly filed address:
When the first field is missing, you won't be able to get the report.
This is the example of correctly filed address:
If your client's previous address is outside of Australia, Equifax report can not be done. In this case, you should firstly do the report and then add info about previous address.
If you have already added a previous address which is outside of Australia, please delete all fields entered one by one, and you will be able to create credit check report.
Full information about driver license is also mandatory for the credit report.
License number is mandatory, while the card number can be left blank if one wasn't provided by the client.
When you have all this info correctly filed in, simply click on Equifax button at the top of the page to request the score and report.
The most common error that comes up when these mandatory details are not completed or incorrectly entered is the No enquiry ID returned error.
No existing file found for the subject of your enquiry error
This error will come up when the person of your enquiry is not registered in Equifax with the provided details or simply does not exist in Equifax's registry at all.
In this case, please contact Equifax directly to inquire further.
File ban exists for this client on Equifax error
This error will show up when the person you are trying to get a credit report for placed a ban on their Equifax credit report.
In order for you to be able to request the report they will have to, at least temporarily, lift the ban on their Equifax credit report.
Policy Falsified error
This error is related to the deal owner's Equifax integration credentials.
Using Equifax with Salestrekker requires a unique username and password that you enter when first turning on the integration in Settings > 3rd party applications tab.
You can obtain this by contacting Equifax directly at or obtain them via your aggregator, informing them that you will be using Equifax through 3rd party service, in this case Salestrekker.
Credit Score is there but no PDF report
Retrieving a PDF can fail sometimes due to unknown reasons on Equifax side.
Because of that, new functionality has been added - PDF previous enquiry download button. Clicking on that button broker can retrieve PDF for existing enquiry/report free of charge.
How to download the PDF report:
Click on the "Equifax" button
Click on the "Download" button in the popup window (refer to below screenshot)
After a few seconds click the "Cancel" button
Your report will be downloaded and placed in deal Documents tab (under Deal View).
Kindly note: If the Equifax report was requested more than 180 days ago, the download button/enquiry ID box will no longer be visible. You will need to request a new report in this case.