Email lenders Supporting Documents

Step by step option to send lender supporting documents form broker tools or a deal.

Lilly avatar
Written by Lilly
Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to send lender supporting documents that are saved in your deal. Select the required deal in your workflow. 

Go to “Broker Tools” and select “Compare Loan Products” and pick a lender. Once a lender is selected, documents can be emailed from the lodgement tab.

Select “Lodgment” and click on “Send Documents”.

Simply select the sender, select a template/edit content, and select documents to send. Here is an article on creating email templates.

* Note that the accepted file size depends from lender to lender and some large files may not be accepted.

Once the email is sent it will be saved as a deal note.

This option is also available from deal view

Lender will receive an email with your organization branding. Notification with email details will appear in the "Notes" section.

Here is a video demo of this feature:

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