As part of initial account setup you can set your email signature in Salestrekker. Go to Settings > My Account and scroll down to Signature section.
Important note: We strongly advise that you use plain text with formatting options available inside Salestrekker settings page, as that is the most secure way. If you add different fonts, colors and images - spam protection software may mark your messages as spam, junk or unwanted which will result in clients not receiving your notifications and invitations.
Maximum number of characters supported in the email signature is 10,000 characters.
However, if you have online mail client and signature configured to have all its elements stored online - it is possible to simply copy/paste your signature from your email into Salestrekker under Settings > My Account.
In case your signature has broken link icons instead of images, you would need to amend your signature prior to pasting it. For further instructions follow this link.