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Linking contacts as spouses

How to link married and de facto partners

Salestrekker HQ avatar
Written by Salestrekker HQ
Updated over a year ago

General Info

Servicing calculation will be affected with the marital status of applicants. They can be married/de facto to another applicant or non applicant (contact that does not need to be added to a deal).

They can be linked as follows:

  1. To the applicant already added in a deal

  2. To an existing contact in Salestrekker but not (currently) party to the deal

  3. To a new contact who can be added to Salestrekker (and to deal if required)

To unlink them, simply select marital status as single or divorced.

1 -Linking a spouse who is already contact in a deal

  • Go to the Family Relationship section of Client Profile > Personal Details page (A)

  • Select Marital status from dropdown as Married or De Facto (B)

  • Select a contact name from the dropdown titled 'Add spouse details' (C)

  • Add dependents (Will need to add any additional dependents for the second applicant as well, use '0' , if no additional dependents) (D)

2- Linking an existing contact in Salestrekker

  • Go to the Family Relationship section of Client Profile > Personal Details page (E)

  • Select Marital status as Married or De Facto (F)

  • Select a 'Search existing contacts' from the dropdown 'Add spouse details' (G)

  • Search for their first name, surname field will auto-populate. (H)

  • Add dependents (J)

  • If the spouse is a party to a deal, then add them to a deal from Deal view (K) or Edit Deal screens (L)

3 - Linking a new contact

  • Go to the Family Relationship section of Client Profile > Personal Details page (O)

  • Select Marital status as Married or De Facto (P)

  • Select a 'Create a new contact' from the dropdown 'Add spouse details' (Q)

  • Add their first name and surname (R)

  • Add dependents (S)

  • If the spouse is a party to a deal then add them to a deal from Deal view (T) or Edit Deal screens (U)

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