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Custom Fields and Custom Field Groups
Custom Fields and Custom Field Groups

How to create and use custom fields and custom field groups in Salestrekker 2.0. Organize fields into groups and apply them.

Lilly avatar
Written by Lilly
Updated over a week ago

In Salestrekker you can create and use a variety of different custom fields to define and capture additional information you require in your deals, contacts and tasks. These fields are created in settings, then grouped together and tied to certain deals or contacts types. After that you will be able to populate them in deals and contact sections of appropriate type and your entries will be displayed and shown in dedicated custom field tabs.

Setting up Custom fields

To start using custom fields, first you would need to create them and group them in Settings. Go to Settings > Custom fields (under Process section). To create a new field click "Add new" in top right corner. It will open up a section where you can configure your custom field.

You will be shown options where you can configure your individual custom fields. All fields marked in red are required and need to be populated in order custom field to save.

Name - field name that will be displayed when custom field is used

Entity - determines where will be possible to use this custom field (either in deals, contacts - person or company, or tasks)

Type - determines what information can be stored in the created custom field

Sorting - determines the importance in order that the custom field should take when added to the custom field group and displayed in deal, contact or task

Deal types - additional definition in which deal types will be possible to use the custom field

Labels - applying labels on custom fields will help in sorting the list of custom fields in settings (has no importance more than those)

Description - description will help your team members understand the expected way to use the custom field

Explanation of possible types of Custom fields:

Text short - simple and short alphanumerical entry

Text large - will add a text area that can take in paragraphs of text

Options multiple - allows users to select multiple entries from defined options

Options single - allows user to select only one from the given options

Number - simple numerical field (no text allowed)

Money - simple numerical field that will show it in organization currency

Phone - simple numerical field with country code selection that will load in addition for capturing international phone numbers

Date&Time - field that can capture

Once you press "Save" button you will be returned back to the original list and here is where your individual custom fields will be shown and displayed. You are able to filter the displayed results per entity or custom field type. Also you can type in a search query that will conveniently narrow the results displayed in the list.

You are able to sort the list of custom fields in settings per: Name, Description, Entity and type. On the right hand side you have actions to edit or delete the custom fields.

All deleted custom fields will be put in archive and you can access them still by clicking on "Archived" icon left to the add new button in the stats bar. If you wish to permanently delete the custom fields, you would use an action option on archived entry to complete it. Final confirmation will be asked and after that the archived custom field will be fully removed from the system.

Permanent delete is irreversible.

Setting up Custom field groups

Once you have your individual custom fields set it's time to group them. It is mandatory to make custom fields groups because they can only appear in Deals and Contacts as a group (and not as individual fields).

To create a Custom field group, please go to Settings > Process section > Custom fields groups > Add new:

You would be able to fill in needed details and define on which entities (Deals, Person, Contacts, Tasks) the Custom field group will be applied. Group type means to which entity the group will be applied to after: Deal, Person, Company, Task.

In case of selecting Deal type it will load additional fields to specify on which deal types the custom field group should apply in particular.

When working on a deal that is not targeted by the custom field group type, the custom field won't load in that deal.

Individual custom fields will display and you would choose which ones to include in your Custom field group.

Using Custom Field Groups in Deals

When adding and editing Deal in the sidebar on the left hand side there will be option for Custom fields.

All possible custom field groups will be displayed there that apply for the selected deal type with the individual fields organized in sections. You are able to fill in all relevant details and press "Save" button for changes to apply. You are able to go back to editing a deal if you require to record any additional information or change existing custom field information.

In Deal view there is a dedicated "Custom fields" tab that will display all inputed custom field information for that deal. Information here is read-only and any amendments to it would need to be done in edit Deal section.

If all custom fields are left blank for the deal in Add/Edit deal section - custom field tab will display that there are no custom field information recorded.

Using Custom Field Groups in Contacts

When adding or editing either Person or Company contact there will be a Custom fileds section in the left sidebar where all relevant Custom field groups for Person or Company will be loaded. You can freely input details and make the necessary selections while saving information on the green "Save" button and the bottom of the page.

In contact view there will be a dedicated "Custom fields" tab where the information entered in the custom fields will be displayed. Information in the tab will be read-only and any amendment and additional inputs will need to be done by editing that Person or Company.

Using Custom Field Group in Client Profile and Client Portal

Contact type custom field groups - for Person or Company - will in addition be displayed inside deals of selected type as well. If you open a Deal and go to Client profile section > Personal details (or Entity details for Company contacts found in deal) at the bottom of the section you will have the relevant custom field groups showing where you can freely input all necessary information about that contact that is relevant to the deal you are working on.

To apply changes press green "Save" button or navigate to any other tab of the Broker tools.

Using custom fields in Client Portal

If sharing a Deal to a Client Portal by using a custom flow that supports the Custom fields, all relevant custom field selection. Clients will see them available as part of a fact find when they log into Client Portal. When information is inputed you can proceed using the green "Next" button or changing tabs and information will be immediately stored to the deal.

All inputed details from Client side will be available in Deal > Client profile section (at the bottom of Personal or Entity details).

To check/create a Client Portal flow that supports custom fields go to Settings > Account section > Client portal and create or edit flow to include Custom field details.

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