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Deal View Tabs

Use designated tabs to capture all necessary information and keep track of progress on a deal in Salestrekker 2.0

Lilly avatar
Written by Lilly
Updated today

Under the workflow stage progress of the deal is the menu for Deal View Tabs selection, clicking on each option opens the corresponding tab.

The Quick actions button is your friend, it can do many things without the need to go into specific tabs!


Contains basic information on the deal in several subsections:

  1. Contacts

  2. Deal information

  3. Deal Summary

  4. Labels

  5. Important content

  6. Deal checklist


In this subsection the contacts in the deal are presented with their basic contact information, email address and phone number.

Clicking on the three-dot button next to the contact name opens up an action menu which allows you to call, SMS, email the contact, and open the contact page:

Clicking on the copy button next to the phone number and email copies said information to the clipboard.

Deal information

Displays the Deal owner, deal status, deal value, expected close date and reference number.

Deal Summary

Displays a deal summary that may contain any information on the deal or its contents the user deems relevant.


Displays labels that have been applied to the deal which can be standalone labels or part of automations (nice place for a hyperlink to the automations article)

Important content

Displays due and overdue tasks and notes that have been marked as important. Next to each task/note is a three dot button which opens up a menu for editing, adding/removing labels and deleting, alongside an arrow button for expanding said task/note

Deal checklist

Shows tasks that have been added via one or more checklists.


In the notes section you will be able to see all notes that have been added to the deal.

"Open" and "crossed-out eye" buttons on the right allow you to check Open and Archived notes lists respectively.

Selecting all notes is done by clicking on the square checkbox in the top-left corner, while hovering over the left side of the notes opens up the option for selecting some notes.

Once a selection has been made, a menu will come up for bulk-actions that can be done on the selected notes.

Searching notes is done by entering information in the search window. Clicking on the filter button opens up a menu through which you can filter notes by note type, attachment type. by user and by label. Additional checkbox criteria are for notes that have been marked as important or have attachments added.


Displays a list of tasks associated with the deal. You can select all or multiple tasks, search through them, and filter them. "Open" and "crossed-out eye" buttons on the right allow you to check Open and Archived tasks lists respectively.

Each task item is presented with basic information: name, due date, priority, labels and who is the task owner).

By clicking on the three-dot button, you can edit or delete tasks, and add or remove labels.


Shows all files uploaded to this deal. You can select all or multiple files, search through them, and filter them. "Open" and "crossed-out eye" buttons on the right allow you to check Open and Archived files lists respectively.

Each file will have brief description i.e. name of the file, date of the upload, file size and type.

Next to each file there is a three dot button which presents you with actions you can perform on each file e.g. download, rename, add/remove labels, assisgnt to, locking the file and deleting it.

Assign to option is to assign a client or guarantor to a file that has been uploaded/created in a deal, likewise for any of the required documents.

Documents that were uploaded through Client Portal will be automatically assigned to the client that has uploaded the document.

Files can be assigned to multiple clients/guarantors.

Required Documents

Displays the list of required documents in the deal, and when they are due. You can search through the documents, filter them, "Open" and "crossed-out eye" buttons on the right allow you to check Open and Archived required documents lists respectively.

Each item can be expanded in order to provide more information on it, and the three dot action button allows you to edit, reject or delete required document, mark it completed or share it on client portal.

Custom fields

Shows custom fields which were used in this deal.

Activity Log

Allows users to track what happened to and in the deal, e.g. who and when updated information in which section of the deal, files that were uploaded, deal status changes, deal ownership changes, etc.

Automation tracking is also possible, you can track if an automation was triggered and did something.

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