If you are using Equifax it is possible now to connect it to Salestrekker.
How to set up
Before you start off with the set-up, kindly note that your existing Equifax account login details will not be valid for using our Equifax integration.
You will need a separate set of login details (username and password) for use in Salestrekker.
You can obtain this by contacting Equifax at salesAU@equifax.com and informing them that you will be using Equifax through 3rd party service, in this case Salestrekker.
After you have your new logins to set up Equifax, please go to your Salestrekker Settings > 3rd party applications > Equifax
Turn on the switch for Equifax and in the pop up window enter your new Equifax username and password.
If successfully integrated, the switch will stay on and your Equifax username will be displayed on the left in brackets.
How to use
When Equifax is integrated, you will be able to request credit reports and scores on your clients.
To use Equifax open your Deal > Broker Tools and under client's Personal Details you will see Equifax button right next to the client's initials.
When you click on the button a new popup window will present where you can configure the loan details options.
Clicking the 'Send' button will run the report and score request. Once the request finishes, the score will show next to the Equifax button, while the report is uploaded in the deal 'Documents' tab.
Retrieving a PDF can fail sometimes due to unknown reasons on Equifax side.
Because of that, new functionality has been added - PDF previous enquiry download button. Clicking on that button broker can retrieve PDF for existing enquiry/report free of charge.
How to download the PDF report:
Click on the "Equifax" button
Click on the "Download" button in the popup window (refer to below screenshot)
After a few seconds click the "Cancel" button
Your report will be downloaded and placed in deal Documents tab (under Deal View).
If the Equifax report was requested more than 180 days ago, the download button/enquiry ID box will no longer be visible. You will need to request a new report in this case.
For other most common Equifax errors please jump to this article.