Adding Tasks

How to add tasks to a deal or contact manually. How to assign tasks to different team members. How to add subtasks and repeating tasks.

Phillip Djukanovic avatar
Written by Phillip Djukanovic
Updated over a week ago

Tasks are a useful tool to drive standardized work or to guide new staff.

For all tasks, minimum required details are:

  • Task name

  • Assigned to person

  • Due date

Quick add tasks from deal tile

To quickly add task to a deal, click the three dots menu on deal tile and then “Add task”. 

Fill in needed information in popup window then press “Save” to apply. New task will be added to the list and everybody involved notified.

Add tasks inside deal/contact

When inside a deal or contact card, on command bar, second option is "Add task". Clicking once on it you will get the same options to configure tasks.

Add tasks from main Tasks page

To add a new task from the top menu "Tasks" page, click on the "Add new" button located in top right corner.

Same task configuration popup window will show, where we can set up a new task or add and edit a pre-created task template.

There are 3 task types you can create:

  • deal linked tasks

  • contact linked tasks

  • and general tasks not linked to any deal or contact.

If creating a new task from "Tasks" page, and you want it to be assigned, please be sure to select "Additional Options" and choose if the new task is for a deal (locate deal first from "Workflow" drop down and then the "Deal" dropdown) or contact (start typing first name of contact and then select from drop down).

If, on the other hand, you don’t want it to be assigned to deal or contact, rather to be general task, just enter Task name, Due date, and to who is Assigned to (this kind of task will be only visible in "Task" page to the person to which is assigned to)

Adding recurring tasks

When you click on the “Repeat Options” button or icon in task configuration window, you can set the task recurrence cycles. Task assignee will receive repeated notifications and reminders in every cycle, ensuring completion of all follow-ups, checkups, monthly and annually appointments.

To know how to create task templates that can be used in deal automation or loaded for further setup when creating tasks manually, please check out this article.

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