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Workflows (Settings)

How to create and manage Workflows and Stages. Create custom and multiple workflows, add or delete stages, assign users and add automation.

Lilly avatar
Written by Lilly
Updated over a year ago

General Information

Workflows are used to visualize the steps (stages) involved in a lead to loan process and the order they should go in.

Workflows can be categorized in various ways. At a basic level, they get grouped from the initial lead stages, following the loan application process to post-settlement.


Create a new Workflow

To create a new workflow go to Settings > Workflows. At top right corner press '+ADD NEW' button.

Fill in basic details about your new workflow in the top fields:

  • title

  • description (what will this workflow be used for)

  • owner (who will be managing this workflow)

  • workflow type (choosing loan type for deals that will be in this new workflow)

  • team member (adding users from your organization that will have access to this workflow to work in it)

Delete or Duplicate a Workflow

To remove or duplicate an existing workflow go to Settings > Workflows.

Highlight the checkbox of the workflow you want to delete or duplicate, then press “Actions” in top right corner and choose "Duplicate" or “Delete”. 

When you duplicate a workflow all of it contents will be added to it's copy (stages, automation etc.) so you can easily replicate existing process to new users.

When deleting a workflow, a pop-up window will be shown as a security measure to prevent accidental workflow delete.

Confirm this action by entering name the of your organization (located in Settings > Details tab) and by clicking “Delete” button.

All deals that were inside a deleted workflow will also be fully deleted.

Please make sure you move your deals to another workflow before proceeding with the delete process.

Organization default workflows cannot be deleted.

Workflow Types 

To setup workflows for specific loan products and business activity go to Settings > Workflows. Add new or open existing one that you want to modify.

In workflow details line, click on the "Additional deal details" field and choose an option from dropdown menu you want to include for this workflow.

Now, when adding deals into that workflow, a new section will be placed in sidebar of deal adding/editing screen that will contain specific fields where you can input information regarding that business type.

Workflow List View

To switch to this view, click the 'List' button located in the top right corner.

All deals are placed in rows, with basic deal details shown in columns. Deals will be sorted by date of creation by default (newer at the top).


Create a new Stage

If you need to add more stages, open the edit page for your existing workflow and press the “+ADD STAGE” button from top right corner.

A new stage will be created in the far right side of the last existing stage.

Stages can then be rearranged with drag-and-drop method (click on stage > hold and drag to move > release when done).

Delete Stage

If you want to delete a certain stage, open the workflow editing page and then press the "Delete" option in bottom of stage card.

Please note that enterprise inherited workflow stages can not be deleted.

Stage Automation

On the bottom of the stage card, in the workflow editing page, the orange button titled "Automate" is where automation options are set up.

By clicking on this button you will get a dropdown menu with possible actions you can set to automatically execute when deal reaches that particular stage.

See more in our Automation - Setup and Use article.

Stage - Additional Options

In Salestrekker you have the option to customize each stage by choosing different options.

To get to them, go to Settings > Workflows > click on Workflow name to open additional settings and each stage will have four additional options that you can configure.

These options are:

Milestone or Normal stage - this helps you define crucial stages in your process by marking them as Milestones and would allow you better reporting options. In case of Enterprise plan, all Milestones that are set on Top level, groups and branches won't be able to edit or delete.

When setting a stage at Enterprise or Group level, branches underneath (and groups if it is set from Enterprise level) will inherit the stage. Additionally to this inheritance, all these stages will be locked (non-editable) for users in branches and groups underneath the main Enterprise.


Probability - is an option to set how probable it is to close a deal that is in that part of the process. This allows you to create your funnel and to easily track and asses how many deals will you close in the future.

Editable Fact Find or Read only - when you share deal on a Client Portal you can ask them to fill in their Fact Find. After certain point in the process it is pointless (or even painful) if clients still have ability to change their inputs (example: you wouldn't want clients to change their details after application is lodged to a lender).

That's why in each stage you can either choose for the shared Fact Find to be editable or read only (locked for editing). If the stage is set to 'read only', clients will be able to see all details, but they will be grayed out and locked to change. 

Stale - number of days after which deal will be considered stale. Stale days can trigger notifications both to deal owner and client based on account settings and assigned automation options to that stage.

To checkout how to automate messages to be sent to client when deal gets stale - click here.

Please note that Milestone and Probability options can only be edited by organization Managing Agents.

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