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How to add labels? How to add workflows? How to add deal statuses and deal types?

Rade Mrvic avatar
Written by Rade Mrvic
Updated over 4 months ago

Process tab in Salestrekker 2.0 Settings is where labels, workflows, deal statuses and deal types can be added and edited.

'Add new' button is used to add a new item while 'Actions' button is used to edit or remove the item.


A new label can be created for a:

  • Deal

  • Person

  • Company

  • Task

  • Note

  • Document

To create a new one, click on 'Add new' button.

Choose label color, enter label name and select the label type.

Confirm with 'Save' button.


In the Workflows section, you can add or edit existing workflows.

To add a new workflow click on 'Add new' button.

Enter workflow name, description, select default deal type, choose workflow owner, add/assign team members to the workflow and select labels.

To add stages, click on the 'Plus' button and enter stage name, choose the stage type, if the stage will be editable or read-only for client portal and lastly, pick the number of days after which deals will become stale.

Once you click 'Save' a new workflow will be created.

Inherited workflows cannot be edited.

Users with roles that have editing privileges for workflows can only add new team members to inherited workflows and create new stages. New stages here are completely customisable, unlike the pre-existing stages in the inherited workflow.

Deal status

In the Deal status section, you can add or edit deal statuses.

To add a new deal status click on 'Add new' button.

Enter deal status name and pick for which deal type this status should apply.

After clicking 'Save' a new status will be created and used in your deals.

Deal types

In the Deal types section, you can add or edit deal types.

Click on 'Add new' button to add a new deal type.

Enter deal type name and after clicking 'Save' a new type will be created.

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