General Information
Labels combine and replace several existing functionalities to bring you to another level.
Instead of using Segments, Status tags and Contact types you can now define your Labels and easily assign them to Deals, Contacts, Tasks, Notes and Files.
How to create a label
To add a new label go to Settings > Labels.
Please note that only users with admin privileges can add or manage labels in Settings.
Next, click on "+Add new" button at the top right and from the popup window you will have the option to:
name your new label
color it
and choose the label type ( can be for Deals, Contacts, Tasks, Notes or Files.).
It is important to choose the correct label type when creating the new label, as you will not be able to change after.
How to edit existing labels
If you would like to change the name or color of an existing label, simply jump to Settings > Labels tab > click on the label title from the list and make the required changes.
Some labels will be locked. These are system default labels and cannot be edited.
When assigning labels to Deals, Contacts, Tasks, Notes or Files you will always have the "+ Add new" button available to quickly create more labels if you need them.