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Roles and Permissions

Learn more about user roles and permissions in Salestrekker 2.0

Miles Tomic avatar
Written by Miles Tomic
Updated over 2 months ago

Salestrekker offers the possibility to users to choose between different system built-in roles as well as an option to request a custom role to be built. Users' permissions and access levels can vary depending on the role they have been assigned with.

Assigning role to a user

List of users can be accessed in Organisation settings under the Users tab. Next to a user's name on a right-hand side, is a blank field - clicking an arrow in the field's corner will open a dropdown menu with the list of all predefined and custom built roles. Simply by choosing - clicking one of the options will assign a desired role to the given user.

Roles that appear in a dropdown menu are also listed in Settings, under the Organisation tab, in Roles and permissions section:

Built-in roles

At the moment, there are 8 different built-in roles and these are non-editable, meaning that their permissions and access levels are predefined and cannot be changed:

  • Team Member ltd

  • Team Member

  • Team Member+

  • Team Admin

  • Team Admin ltd

  • Master Admin

  • Mentor

  • Mentee Team Member

  • Mentee Team Admin

  • Auditor

  • Remote processor

On top of these, there are two more built-in types of roles - Client portal role and Partner portal role - which are automatically assigned to the users when Client portal or Partner portal is shared with them - these two roles cannot be manually assigned to the users, and as such they are not listed in the Roles and permissions tab.

Team Member Role

When new users are added to the Organisation they will not have assigned roles per default. However, they will have the same permissions and access levels as users assigned with Team Member role.

Below are key permissions of a Team Member role. Users with this role are allowed to:

Access only Workflows they have been assigned to (as a Workflow member);

Access Deals they are owners of or Deals they have been assigned to as members;

Access Tasks they have created or Tasks they have been assigned to;

Access their own Contacts and Contacts from Deals where they have been assigned to;

Access their own Quick Tools;

Access their own account settings;

Access individual integrations that are activated on enterprise;

Access Library section;

Access Reports and Dashboard (read-only access, limited to deals/contacts statistics and data for their own account only and without option to download);

There are also restrictions. Users with assigned Team Member role:

Cannot access main Organisation (Enterprise) settings;

Cannot access data (export/import functionality);

Cannot access Marketing feature;

Cannot access broker tools settings;

Cannot access Organisation details settings;

Cannot access Organisation (Enterprise) level integrations;

Cannot access Templates settings;

Cannot access Process settings;

For example, below is Team Member (non-Admin) Settings menu and Integrations tab:

Team Member ltd

Team Member ltd role has the same privileges as Team Member role but the difference is that in Broker Tools section only Security details tab will be visible and they cannot view deal Credit Quote. This role is designed to be used for data collecting team members only.

Team Member+ Role

Team Member+ role has the same privileges as Team Member role and in addition it can see all workflows, deals, tasks and contacts in the organisation.

Team Admin Role

Team Admin role is dedicated to the users with higher permissions and position in the organisation hierarchy. Users with this role are allowed to:

Access all Deals in the Organisation;

Access all Contacts;

Access all Tasks;

Access all Reports;

Access all Quick Tools;

Access Process settings (can manage workflows, custom fields, labels, automations);

Access Templates settings (can manage document templates, checklists, tasks, notes);

They also have few restrictions. Users with assigned Team Admin role:

Have Read-only access to Organisation details settings;

Have Read-only access to Users section in Organisation Settings;

Have Read-only access to Broker Tools section in Settings;

Have Read-only access to Roles and Permissions tab in Organisation Settings;

Have Read-only access to Deal status and Deal types tabs in Process Settings;

Cannot access Enterprise settings;

Cannot access Data settings (cannot conduct export/import);

Team Admin ltd

Team Admin ltd role has the same privileges as Team Admin role but the difference is that in Broker Tools section only Security details tab will be visible and they cannot view deal Credit Quote. This role is designed to be used for data collecting team admin users only.

Master Admin Role

Master Admin is considered the managing (main) role in the organisation and is reserved for aggregator users. It has the highest rank and permission levels. Users with assigned Master Admin role can:

Access all Workflows created in the Organisation;

Access and edit all Deals;

Access and edit all Contacts;

Access, filter and edit all Tasks;

Access and use Marketing feature;

Access Enterprise settings;

View Dashboard, deals' and contacts' data and statistics from all users in organisation;

Mentor Role

Users with Mentor role have the same permissions and access levels as users with Team Admin role but on top of that, Mentor role has mentoring functionality as an addition. Basically Mentor (Approver) is a user who has access to the broker tools and who is linked (assigned) to a Mentee. Using this functionality, Mentor can review and approve or deny Mentee's applications.

Mentee Team Admin and Mentee Team Member Roles

Mentee Roles can be considered as entry-level broker roles. Mentees can access broker tools, create and fill out all necessary data in deals and prepare them for lodgement, after which they must seek an approval from their Mentor before the application is submitted to the lender. As described in previous section, Mentor then can review and approve or deny Mentees' applications.

Mentee Team Admin has the same permissions as Team Admin role except it can be mentored by a mentor role.

Mentee Team Member has the same permissions as Team Member role, except it can be mentored by a mentor role.

Remote Processor

Remote processor role can only access their Deals, Contacts, Tasks, Reports and 3rd party integration settings. They can only preview documents but cannot download them.

Auditor Role

Auditor role has the same permissions as Team Admin, expect everything is read only. Auditors can add notes, tasks and download documents.

Broker vs. Non-Broker

Any user in Salestrekker that has a single lender accreditation set up is treated as a broker for billing purposes and will see and be able to user Broker Tools (Home Loan, Asset Finance or Commercial Tools) as a deal owner.

BID vs Non-BID

Mortgage brokers are automatically assumed to be under BID regime (in Asset Finance and Personal Loans transactions). Therefore any added Home Loan accreditations will assume that broker falls under BID regime. There are however exceptions for Finance brokers with Home Loan accreditations. Set up process for these users is fully described in this article.

Creating custom roles

As previously mentioned, built-in roles are non-editable, meaning that their permissions and access levels are predefined and cannot be changed.

Custom roles are created on request. Discuss your specific requirement with your aggregator.

Requests can be lodged via this link

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