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Release Notes 2021

Release notes of all Salestrekker deployments

Ana Babic avatar
Written by Ana Babic
Updated over a week ago

23 December 2021

  • Refactored CoreLogic Rp Data and Pricefinder integration for AU organisations.

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11 December 2021

  • New API Gateway - SocietyOne (Asset Finance and Personal


  • Quick Quote bug fix - Quick quote in Deal not capitalizing fees;

  • WebloanQ Home Loan option - video showcase.

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20 November 2021

  • WebloanQ - quoting and lender comparison website plugin for home loans, asset finance, and personal loans (refer to Settings Billing details for pricing);

  • Activity list and deal status rework - visual enhancements and additional/supporting information related to status changes;

  • Edit commissions option - new ability to edit commissions under the Commission tab;

  • New Diversification - Allianz General Insurance;

  • Rework of reports date range bug and filter interference;

  • Asset Finance compare product report with view and save PDF option under Compare products tab;

  • File Exchange Services refactoring: DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive (existing users will need to reconnect/reset the relevant integration);

  • Document preview - new ability to preview documents (max 50 pages);

  • OCR document: Driver licence optical character recognition.

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21 October 2021

  • Marketing functionality failure was revised and issues fixed.

  • The date format has been reverted back from the US style to the Australian format.

  • Adding new contacts via the add new person option from the Deal View are saving successfully.

  • Issue with documents not opening after using the redaction option is resolved.

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16 October 2021

  • Refactored Life Insurance Direct diversification, Mercury and CompareClub integration;

  • Further LoanApp living expenses mapping enhancement;

  • The Send Documents button has been reinstated under the Lodgement tab;

  • CashDeck and BankStatements requested URL retention period has been increased from 72h to 120h;

  • FullContact integration has been removed.

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25 September 2021

  • Design & Distribution Obligations (DDO) regulatory changes;

  • Resolved issues with Asset Finance "Edit finance proposal" option;

  • Pepper Asset Finance mapping enhancement;

  • Plenti Automotive V2 upgrade;

  • New Plenti Gateway Integration for Personal Loans;

  • Added Deal label field to Partner Portal - check this article for more details;

  • LoanApp living expenses mapping enhancement;

  • Broker origination fee is printing on PDF Finance Quote;

  • The following Broker Tools - Recommended Product merge keys are available:


  • New security is linked to a new loan under Contact > Finance profile after the settlement.

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4 September 2021

  • Macquarie Asset Finance Consumer loans: PPSR fees no longer added to the
    amount finance; and ADVANCE option removed (i.e. consumer
    loans should send the quote option as ARREARS only);

  • Asset Finance Broker Origination Fee - Incorrect value used in
    commissions tab/calc (branches/enterprises using ‘commission
    limits’) is fixed;

  • Macquarie Asset Finance rates and repayment differences are corrected;

  • Pepper Asset Finance mapping improvements (notes, origination fee,
    asset to be financed, payment method, income, expenses,

  • Additional mandatory field validations for Home Loan and
    Asset Finance tools (prior to lodgement);

  • Automatic labelling of 3rd party service reports
    (Statement Reports, ID reports, Credit Reports, Property
    Reports, PPSR Report, eSign);

  • Apply Online aggregator loan category updates: Introduce
    ‘Interest Tax Deductible?’ checkbox for RRB to indicate an
    ‘Investment’ loan category on an existing secured liability.
    Also, to allow loan category differentiation based on the purpose
    of the loan (O/O v INV) and capture loan category at a more
    granular level;

  • Apply Online mapping (improved mapping of the compliance section
    from ST to AOL);

  • LoanApp mapping (improved mapping of security address for
    the existing mortgage from ST to LoanApp);

  • LoanApp mapping (improved mapping of loan term expiry date
    for the existing mortgage from ST to LoanApp);

  • Equifax employment details amendment (employer name not

  • Jitsi upgrades to Video Conference UI and addition of

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14 August 2021

  • Illion AccessSeeker service has been extended to return and attach a PDF report to deal notes;

  • New diversification - Settle Easy Conveyancing;

  • Bulk option in the Contacts List View (add and edit labels);

  • Bulk option in the Deal List View (add labels and change general status options - open, won, lost, paused);

  • Note is added under Deal View when Contact is deleted.

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24 July 2021

  • Redacting of Tax File Number in selected documents - check this video overview;

  • Asset Finance Credit Quote option added;

  • Enhancement and repositioning of Asset Finance Compare Products Table contents;

  • Changes to Life Insurance Direct referral page for compliance purposes;

  • Glass's asset search option for new and used Caravans Campervans Motorhomes;

  • Reports option is visible to users even if they do not belong to any workflows, depending on their permission visibility;

  • Marketing is accessible to Administrator accounts only;

  • The DocuSign requestor is receiving email receipt of signed docs, regardless of them signing or not;

  • 3rd party integrations refactoring: BankStatements, CashDeck, IDsmart;

  • Macquarie Asset Finance - all expenses, assets and liabilities in one household are placed under the first applicant;

  • Revised wording in Home Loan and Asset Finance Credit Quote document under Authorisation section relates to client/s agreement to pay amount/s specified in that generic template;

  • Email notifications being sent to Partners do not contain the clickable button at the bottom of the Email.

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19 June 2021

  • HEM - Calculation rework to enable lender specific rules around income considerations;

  • Macquarie Asset Finance - Non-taxable income (consumer loans) and Rental income are no longer summed up twice;

  • Macquarie Asset Finance - Mailing address is mapping for the guarantor;

  • Lenders are mapping from Salestrekker to their corresponding drop-down menus in Apply Online;

  • Added option to map Dependants Date of Birth from Salestrekker to Apply Online;

  • Calculation for ACT Stamp Duty Concession is fixed;

  • Mailing Addresses include the PO Box option;

  • New Fields in Compare Loan Products Table;

  • Under Contacts -> Finance profile -> Asset type no longer shows 'Investment property' only;

  • Under Quick Tools -> Product Comparison -> Maximum Borrowing no longer shows $0 for all lenders;

  • Search results now include tooltips to show the name of the item in the list;

  • Groups and branches screen in Enterprise settings has been refactored.

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29 May 2021

  • Further Partner Portal enhancement features;

  • ALI integration update;

  • BankStatements documents are no longer being duplicated in deals;

  • BankStatements documents are getting back to deals successfully;

  • DocuSign - request signature dialog box is no longer missing information about document name, type and date when it was added;

  • Improvements to field mapping and data transfer to Apply Online following changes made by Lenders and Apply Online;

  • Client Portal and Interview Mode Needs & objectives mapping - preferred and unwanted lenders are mapping correctly to Salestrekker;

  • Issue with deal notes always being expanded is resolved;

  • Negative gearing case - interest calculations are now corrected;

  • Rental income is calculating correctly for first applicant;

  • Income of 2nd applicant is no longer showing for both applicants;

  • Under the Compare loan products tab and merge, 'set as preferred' option is now renamed to 'recommended', and 'scenario#' label changed to 'option#'.

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11 May 2021

  • Redesigned Partner Portal look with additional functionality - the ability to allocate lead to any 'connected' brokers, and more...

    Explore the new Partner Portal in this video overview;

  • DocuSign - file size issue resolved through increased upload timeout and file compression capability to better handle larger documents;

  • BankStatements code refactoring;

  • Uploading bank statements via the bank statement link will no longer clear all of the compliance notes;

  • Zapier update - supports the latest version of the integration platform;

  • Update and modification of DriveOnline backend services;

  • Premium Car Search integration removal;

  • Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy links are available on all Salestrekker screens;

  • Products Compared Count - additional metric inclusion in Summary Tab and reporting merge in Broker Tools BID indicators;

  • Issue with sorting deals by name (board view) is fixed;

  • Sending documents with the same title resulting in not all documents being received is resolved;

  • Total business income and total depreciation is now showing for person contact in Asset Finance deals;

  • Asset Finance Commercial - background/purpose and Lender and product selection justification (broker record) in Comments and Documents tab is saving;

  • Issue with the Rate discount field being editable despite the Edit finance proposal toggle on "Finance Proposal" screen being switched OFF is fixed.

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17 April 2021

  • Better search bar results ranking - improvements towards better ranking of the search results at top of page;

  • Preventing non-borrowing spouses to be carried over to Apply Online as co-applicants;

  • PDF Funding worksheet - LMI linked to the first security is no longer capitalised twice on top of the Loan Amount;

  • Asset Finance product search parameter improvements for quicker and more relevant product list display;

  • Cosmetic changes on our Equifax system to provide more intuitive and user friendly error notification messages;

  • Fixed Macquarie Asset Finance blank lodgement error;

  • Fixed Pepper Asset Finance lodgement payload error;

  • HelloSign decommission and full implementation of DocuSign as a sole electronic signature service (maintenance checks and testing), with document retention period being extended to 30 days instead of 48 hours;

  • Employer contact details are included under interview mode in New Zealand organisations.

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9 April 2021

  • Merge keys and tables - various stability improvements and bug fixes.

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25 March 2021

  • DocuSign - alternative option to HelloSign for managing electronic agreements.
    Both HelloSign (article) and DocuSign (article) will remain in Salestrekker simultaneously till HelloSign gets phased out. In the interim, users will see two eSignature buttons.

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13 March 2021

  • Full duplication of deals – this will also duplicate broker tools as opposed to short duplication (Fact Find only).

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12 March 2021

  • New merge tables, Lender accreditations long - displaying broker specific lender panel, and Owner Lender Accreditations - presenting deal owner lender accreditations, can be found in Settings -> Document templates -> Show merge fields -> Deal - Tables;

  • Change Edit account section - option on the Groups and Branches list (edit account setting) now matches user level My Account and 3rd Party integrations sections;

  • Mandatory fields in Deal View prior to creation of documents – the warning message has been reduced to show the first few items and now includes a ‘SHOW MORE’ hyperlink to expand the warning message;

  • Prevent duplication of contacts – when creating a new deal the new contact will only save when deal is saved;

  • Remove the duplicate Street Type from the Street Name;

  • Secondary Equifax credit score request button is removed from the middle of the Contact Fact Find page (was located below identification and above Family Relations section) ;

  • Brought back the ability to filter by date deal was created;

  • Lender document library – new hyperlink to the lender’s broker site;

  • Compare products tab - Enable Published rate editing for Consumer Asset Finance deals, in addition to already existing functionality for Commercial Asset Finance deals;

  • Glass’s price adjustment for used and demo vehicles based on kms and options price adjustment for used and demo vehicles based on age;

  • Illion (ILLION) credit scoring in Salestrekker;

  • Option to run PPSR search within Asset Finance Tools;

  • GetCapital - new commercial Asset Finance Lender integration.

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5 February 2021

  • New webforms on Salestrekker - learn more here or by watching this video;

  • VIC - Stamp Duty Calculation fixed to accommodate recent requirements changes;

  • Initial product search now displays 100 lowest cost products (instead of 25). Note more products can be auto loaded by scrolling to the bottom of the list.

  • BronID integration is disabled. It is no longer available below ID details in Client Profile, under 3rd party integrations and Billing details;

  • Changed the language on the Compare loan products page from “Turnaround” to “Application pick-up time” to adequately reflect that the days displayed refer to the time it takes for lenders to initially pick-up a file;

  • "Ratesetter" is rebranded to "Plenti";

  • LMI is now calculating in Funding Worksheet for Purchase construction when there are two securities;

  • Manually added deals/contacts now appear in search;

  • Client Portal - various minor improvements and mapping fixes.

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15 January 2021

  • Watch this video to see how our revised Client Portal looks like now;

  • As we continue to closely monitor and go in line with industry regulations, Clawback charging option is no longer available under the Credit quote page;

  • Surplus questions are excluded from Deal - Tables -> Your Financial Security table, in Asset Finance deals;

  • As often requested, we now have merge tags for deal and contact reference IDs and numbers. You can find them under:

Deal - General Information -> Ref/ID merge fields,

Contact - General Information -> Ref/ID merge fields;

  • We added individual merge keys for "Trust structure" and "Settlor" entity details in Asset Finance deals. You can find them under the following merge fields:

Contact - Additional General Information -> Trust structure,
Contact - Additional General Information -> Settlor;

  • Asset Finance Compare products chart merge tag is now working and is no longer showing negative values;

  • Merge key for "Trust name" is also fixed;

  • In Client Portal when choosing address from a dropdown it will now
    automatically fill in all the required fields.

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