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Release Notes 2020

Release notes of all Salestrekker deployments

Ana Babic avatar
Written by Ana Babic
Updated over a week ago

31 December 2020

The following two merge fields for Asset Finance new compliance comment boxes for Consumer deals are fixed and now visible on UI.

Just go to Settings ->Document templates -> Merge fields -> Asset finance tools - Compliance and choose:

Analysis, assessment and application education & Options presented and recommendation.

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25 December 2020

New features:

  • New @dealTablesOwnerSignatures merge table for deal owner signature.

BID validations:

  • Needs and Objectives & Product Requirements are being mandatory;

  • 5 step BID process chart have live (green) updates as items get completed;

  • The ‘commissions group’ dropdown menu is being mandatory and a condition to produce compliance documents.

Further BID changes:

  • The product description contains date Asset Finance and Home Loan products were last updated.

Bug fixes:

  • Upon editing diversification options under the Needs and objectives tab, the changes will now remain saved after refreshing the page;

  • Client Portal can be amended without data and deal stage being reverted back to their previous state;

  • Marketing reports under the automation tab are operational again;

  • The options to select workflow(s) and deal(s) for task filters are enabled;

  • Contact reports show up results beyond 31/12;

  • Principal & Interest Variable products are no longer mapping on to AOL as Interest Only;

  • You can now search for a product on a company or trust application;

  • integration should no longer duplicate files and expenses comments.

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2 December 2020

  • We no longer have issues with loading contacts;

  • Charts now fully load under the Summary tab;

  • The Ability to service section is fixed and shown in the Application form for Asset Finance commercial deals;

  • When a contact which had info added under the Needs and Objectives tab is removed from a deal, it leaves N/A contact in places where it used to be, which as a result also had blank screens in Client Portal. This is now working fine and the N/A contacts are no longer visible;

  • The HelloSign checkbox tags were causing issues with the signature merge table in Preliminary Assessment & Credit Proposal template documents. Missing signatures and prolonged loading time of documents in HelloSign preview window are now resolved.

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1 December 2020

  • The street type for the organisation address and/or account address prevented some applications from opening in AOL yesterday. The issue is now successfully resolved and all applications should now be opening with no issues.

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30 November 2020

  • Equifax validation process is improved by allowing special signs and symbols in employer name;

  • We are now clearly showing RRP Glass's price for new vehicles, and RETAIL price if demo/used were selected;

  • "Street type" from the Security details tab is now mapping the correct type to AOL;

  • Total loan amount in Deal view is now being calculated correctly as splits are no longer being doubled when the selected product has 2 or more splits.

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24 November 2020

The second part of BID changes is now live. Users will need to log out, clear cache and log back in to see all the featured updates which are listed below:

  • The addition of cashback/bonus lender payment in Refinance analysis tab, Product review tab Broker Tools and Quick Tools;

  • The addition of offset calculation in Broker Tools and Quick Tools;

  • The addition of Maximum upfront and monthly trail commission received for every compared product in the product comparison tab in Broker Tools and in the product compare table in the compliance documents;

  • Added Redraw risk benefit statement;

  • Added broker disclosure requirement that they received signed credit proposal;

  • Added merge fields for the Key deal indicators (to enable ACL/Aggregator reporting on these).

Furthermore, we've also made the following changes:

  • Task Lists have now been changed to include and display linked Deal name and Contact name, but also to resolve loading issues;

  • Middle name and DL are no longer mandatory fields for Equifax score;

  • Resolved issues caused by our previous BID changes.

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13 November 2020

Since investment income from the new position is not current income, it is now recognised as income in the monthly financial surplus table as opposed to the income tab. This is the way how we now display existing and proposed investment income:

  • New Investment income goes into the proposed and buffer position,

  • Existing investment income goes into the current, proposed and buffer position,

  • Both go into the lender servicing calculators.

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6 November 2020

We have deployed the first part of key BID related changes:

  • New compliance comments that are BID specific;

  • Word counter in the comment section and a length guidance;

  • Changes to conflict of interest disclosure;

  • Product sorting by the total overall cost of loan;

  • Seven new indicators displayed on the Summary tab;

  • Changes to how Maximum Borrowing tab operates in deals and Quick Tools;

  • Visual guidance to a five-step BID process displayed on the compliance commentary tabs;

  • New merge fields for updated compliance documents.

You can have a more detailed insight into these modifications by watching this video.

  • We've also made changes to your Finance service that is responsible for all key calculators. These changes will affect both Home Loan and Consumer Asset Finance flows.

  • There is a new method on how LVR is being calculated in the Funding Position, which is the total new loan + limit of the existing loan, as opposed to the balance of the existing loan. Also the "other loan" field in the Funding Worksheet now goes into the overall LVR calculation when determining total LVR.

  • An issue with ABN showing undefined employer name is also resolved.

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28 September 2020

  • When using currency merge keys and tables there is now an option to choose if you want your values to be displayed as rounded numbers or numbers with decimals. In order to have decimal values, you need to add a word WithDecimals at the end of each existing currency key or table code.

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8 September 2020

  • Our upgraded video conferencing functionality allows you to record video meetings initiated from the deal view. See how, by watching this video. Alternatively, you can also set up a video conference outside of deals, via Meetings.

  • To increase the fetching speed of contacts, we've created a List view for Deals, Tasks and Contacts, with fresh new UI design, and bulk actions for tasks and contacts. They all have items starting with a letter search option, where the List view for deals is opened per workflow.

  • The project board view is no longer available. Users who used this option will be able revert to the classic board view.

  • We've implemented electronic signature tags for PDF digital signing which will automatically show contact info from a deal.

  • Currency and date key types now have their own unformatted counterparts. In order to create them, in the end of each currency and date key type you need to manually add a word unformatted prior to the last bracket (e.g. {brokerTools.builderContract1} -> {brokerTools.builderContract1Unformated}).

  • There are new Asset finance tools merge keys which can now be used in reporting. Check out our latest Merge fields under Document template tab in your settings.

  • We've added Finance Due Date option (alongside estimated settlement date).

  • Under Settings > External Notifications (tab), it is now possible to choose a merge field that takes into account “group” contacts. Just go to Contacts Group Data and opt Preferred Name.

  • Due to frequent reports about lack of Equifax system response which prevented clients from receiving a score with more reliability, we've made our system round loan amount figures to the nearest 10 thousand, instead of clients having to do that manually in order to satisfy such Equifax requirement and receive a score.

  • The totals for each Expense table category were not cumulative. To fix that issue and fulfil your requests to make the tables smaller, we've removed the sums lines in each section.

  • An issue with emails not being sent from the correct owner is resolved and the wrong user is no longer being attached as “sender”.

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29 June 2020

  • Product Comparison merge docx table (Compare Products - OLD table), has been expanded as per PDF service model, with turnaround days and comparative savings also included as additional options (Compare Products Complex - NEW table).

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26 June 2020

  • There are now additional referrer types in Partner Portal list: Franchised Dealer, Dealership, Car Buying Advocate, Fleet Buyer, Wholesaler/Manufacturer.

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23 June 2020

  • Aside from Deals, Contacts, Notes and Tasks, account data import is now available for organisation owners only, without users getting any notifications.

  • Resolved issues related to 'E-Mail to notes' option.

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12 June 2020

  • The amount of time available for a user to edit Deal and Contact Notes has been extended to 24hours.

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3 June 2020

  • With new advanced marketing option, which is now located under Connect button at the upper right corner of the main screen, you have novel predefined templates, automation events and renovated campaigns with reports and preview alternatives - check out video and also this article to see how you can build or edit an HTML template using marketing template builder.

  • Meetings, also located under the Connect button option in Salestrekker, is our upgraded video conferencing tool with public URL which enables you to run the meetings outside the deal view - see video.

  • IDsmart (for the aggregators that opted in) - our new smart digital solution for remote client identity verification and fraud prevention. Watch this video tutorial to see how this new feature works.

  • New Deal, Task and Contact filters are also live - check this video overview.

  • Needs and Objectives and Product Requirements are added to Client Portal.

  • Images are removed from email signatures so they don't attach to deal documents.

  • The issues with changing organisation logo and owner, as well as the changes under permission and visibility settings are fixed.

  • All task automations are now working properly.

  • Asset Finance product search is streamlined to avoid having limited results when loading lenders.

  • Maximum borrowing is no longer calculating living expenses for security guarantors.

  • Equifax score is now visible under Client profile in Deal view.

  • Dashboard time breakdown widgets are fixed and showing correct result.

  • Our latest Android (version 1.0.3) and iOS (version 2.3) applications are now available. Check a full list of improvements and bug fixes by visiting Google Play and App Store, and please rate our apps.

1 May 2020

  • Our new advanced live chat feature with video call capability has been released to a limited set of users.
    It is intended to serve as your own collaboration tool while working remotely, in small or large teams.
    Check here how Salestrekker Teamchat helps you work effectively from your home.

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29 April 2020

  • An improved Zapier 1.0.9 version is released with even more triggers and actions, and on top of that, secure ID coding. 

       The new triggers are:
       - Deal Due Date;
       - New Deal Note;
       - New Document in Deal (uploaded);
       - New Document Created in Deal;
       - New Document Signed (via built-in HelloSign feature).

       And the actions:
       - Create New Deal Note;
       - Update Deal;
       - Update Contact;
       - Complete Task.

  • Enterprise owners have an option to set the "Professional Licence" title headers on both account and organisation settings, as per their own preferences and needs.

  • Compare Club REFER button can be found with more ease now that we have branded it with the original integration logo.

  • There is a new option under Asset Finance Quick Tools to view or print PDF documents with or without interest rate.

  • Privacy disclosure screen is removed from Interview mode.

  • Deal and contact notes will automatically get locked after an hour. After that period of time only the organisation owner can continue to edit or delete notes.

  • Land Transfer Fee calculations have been adjusted for each state and are in line with online calculators.

  • Reports and merge documents will show the correct order of assets / liabilities.

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20 April 2020

  • The issue with adding managing agents in enterprise groups and branches that temporarily disables those organisations is fixed.

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15 April 2020

  • Digital KYC by bronID is now live in Salestrekker - see this demo video on how it can help you conduct AML/CFT checks for individuals while working remotely.

  • Enterprise group and branches screen has been modified to load faster.

  • The issue with ABN and ACN lookup under employer details is resolved.

  • All enterprise inherited workflow stages (in Groups/Branches) are no longer editable. 

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1 April 2020

  • Interview Mode feature can assist brokers in video or F2F client interviews. It allows them to access Client Portal directly from Deal and helps them run the interview. Check this video overview.

  • Identification fields are now present in Client Portal as well, under Details section.

  • Client Portal has been further improved by having a bank account number field available for assets and liabilities.

  • In order to comply with 'best interest duty' laws borrowers now have an option to choose what is MOST important for them between four different categories under Product requirements section. See a short video demo here.

  • You can email lender supporting documents which are saved in a deal from Deal view or Lodgement tab. Watch this video tutorial to show you how.

  • To send an email to multiple contacts from Deal view, check this video example.

  • Combine several PDFs into one PDF with the overall document limit of 25 MB. To see more detailed explanation look here.

  • Fees and charges section is moved out of Broker tools into a separate tab in Deal view. Check out how you can print a Credit quote document now, by watching this short video.

  • When sending compliance documents for e-signing, wording in the subject heading and in the body of the email is now drawn from the document name rather than the deal name, for easier searching.

  • Notes are being added to Deals for better visualisation when requests are sent for eSign, Equifax, Client Portal and Partner Portal invites.

  • 'Quick tools - asset finance section' is improved by having Quoting commercial calculator.

  • Check out security tab for an option to select Limited security if that property ownership percent is allocated to Security Guarantor(s).

  • We bring you Compare Club integration, for life and health insurance.

  • Another diversification option is available for risk insurance items - LifeInsuance Direct Integration.

  • Reporting feature is expended to Asset Finance tools.

  • Our Status page now keeps you updated about critical services used by our main application.

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22 March 2020

  • Android application 2.2 has been released on Google Play where you can find a full list of application updates.

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13 March 2020

  • Expense section has been changed to bring the system in line with new LIXI standard. There are three major changes made to expense section. You can read about all of them here, and see a full list of changes made to our expense merge tables and keys here.

  • There is now also an option to add security guarantor to a household in Client Portal.

  • When guarantors are included in application you can now produce documents by choosing whether you'd like to include/exclude them from your document templates.

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18 February 2020

  • Max Borrowing figures now match when moving from Max borrowing tab to Review loan products.
    Please make sure to log out and log back in before you check up on this again.

  • Loan amount and capitalised LMI (when available) are now both presented under "Change deal status to Settled"/"Post to commissions" dialog box.

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13 February 2020

  • To avoid recent issues with creating documents and printing information from Salestrekker, a significant code speedup was deployed to bring more stability to overall merge functionality.

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7 February 2020

  • Organisation owners can now export key data and download archive of all their account(s), workflow(s), deal(s), contact(s), task(s) and note(s).
    You can read more about this new feature here, or watch a video.

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21 January 2020

  • Bug fixes have been pushed that will address issues with the following:

       - Creating tools when deals move from "None" workflow type to "Home Loan" or             "Asset Finance" workflow;
       - Label inheritance for documents and external notifications;
       - Merge custom fields;
       - Reports and dashboard.

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7 January 2020

  • We have released our first new feature for 2020 - an option to automatically add organisation logo in documents across the enterprise. Check our knowledge article for more detailed information and see the process in this video.

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