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Home Loans F.A.Q.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Home Loans

Mike avatar
Written by Mike
Updated over a week ago

Q: Why are my compliance documents greyed out and I can't create them? 

A: It is required that all fields under 'Compliance comments and documents' tab are completed before being able to create compliance documents

Q: Why do I have limited number of lenders visible while searching for products?

A: Users will see lenders for which they have entered accreditations under Settings > My accreditation. (If it is within a deal, users will see lenders for which the deal owner has entered accreditation)

Q: Can deals be lodged through Apply Online?

A: Yes. Lender has to be on aggregator’s panel list, must allow online submission and Apply Online username must be entered under settings for gateway accreditations

Q: Who can lodge and submit deals?

A: If the deal owner (broker) has appropriate lender and gateway accreditations anyone with access to that deal (team members, organization admins) can lodge and submit it.

Q: Can I get access to Broker tools?

A: Yes, to set up "Broker tools", you need to have 'Mortgage broker' plan, which can be found under Billing details.

Q: Can I use e-signatures?

A: Yes, e-signatures can be used, but we would advise that you check with BDM if lenders accept electronically signed documents.

Q: Can I do a quick product search, without creating a deal?

A: Yes, it can be done under Library > Quick tools > Product comparison. Users can also do a quick funding worksheet and refinance analysis from Quick Tools

Q: Can I complete Equifax credit checks under Home Loans?

A: Yes, you can, it is required that you turn on Equifax integration under Settings > 3rd party applications and enter credentials that you have got from Equifax, particularly for Salestrekker (they are not same as those you use to login to Equifax site).

Q: Is iOS app available?

A: Yes, iOS app is available and it can be downloaded from the app store by typing in Salestrekker in search bar, or it can be found at this link:

Q: Is Android app available?

A: Yes. Android application can be downloaded from Google play store at this link: or you can find it by typing in Salestrekker in search bar.

Q: Can we do an SMSF loan

A: Yes, here is an example of creating an SMSF application

Q: Can we have guarantors included in the application

A: Yes, you can include and add guarantors (security and servicing guarantors) in an application by selecting 'Client type'

Q: Can I post my deals to my aggregation for commission

A: Yes you can post your deal to commission to your aggregator. You can send these over automatically to your aggregation who will then handle the payments

Q: Can I create commission splits and customize them?

A: Yes, you can have custom commission groups and apply them to each deal as suited

Q: Can I collect client information online?

A: Yes, you can create a deal and then share it with your clients via Client Portal. Clients will then be able to fill out the fact find and send you documents over the client portal

Q: Can my partners send referrals directly to Salestrekker?

A: You can have your partners refer clients to you through Partner portal, they will show up as deals in you 'Leads' workflow. You can also apportion a percentage of commission to your partners

Q: Are all the basic types of homeloans supported?

A: Yes, you can do a refinance, purchase, equity release or a top up with options for construction, vacant land, new building or an established property for each type accordingly

Q: Can I do comparisons on different products?

A: Yes you can, repayments are automatically calculated and you will see total costs and savings for each product

Q: Do you have lender documents (application form, serviceability calculators) readily available?

A: Yes, we have a database (lender document library) of all the lenders where you can download the latest versions of lender documents

Q: Can I get training for broker tools?

A: Yes, first training should be provided from your aggregator, after that you can request additional advanced online training with our team member

Q: How to create different loan forms?

A: You can create different loan forms, it would be the best to check Broker tools > Funding worksheet article, the structure of loan always should be correctly selected under funding worksheet

Q: How to resubmit deal?

A: In order to resubmit the same deal which is already submitted, you need to duplicate existing deal. In your new deal, all Fact Find information will be transferred, but you will have to re-create loan structure in 'Broker tools' 

Q: Can I enter expenses separately for each applicant? 

A: You have the ability to add separate expenses under expenses tab, and choose household. This way you can join or separate living expenses for each client(s) under your deal. Older expenses will stay under archive tab  and those can not be edited or copied.

Q: Why I can’t add mortgage loan or vehicle loan in liabilities option?

A: If you are not able to click on mortgage loan or vehicle loan under liabilities option, you should check if asset has been entered. Once you have all assets, you can add liabilities and link them to assets

Q: Why I can’t open funding worksheet?

A: If you are getting empty page under funding worksheet you need to make sure that you have entered security details

A: Check applicant’s details for accuracy, and make sure you have selected client’s address from drop menu

Q: Can I add PAYG for self-employed client?

A: Yes, please first add the business income for that client, after which you can add the PAYG income for salaried employee and link the employer to them

Q: Can we do a trust application?

A: Yes you can create trust application. Please add a company as a client, next, in company details (broker tools), tick “acting on behalf of trust” check-box. Entity individuals should be added to company details as well as clients in the deal

Q: Can we add multiple current/previous employers?

A: Yes, to add multiple employers please be sure to add start/end dates to employment details before adding more employments.

Q: How can I add rental income in Income tab?

A: Any existing rental income will be pulled from the investment property added in the “Assets” tab. Please add property in “Assets” tab first, add the income amount for this property and set the clients ownership for the property

Q: Can I add current insurance clients have in a deal?

A: Yes, please go to broker tools (client profile) > Insurance tab to add insurance and link assets/clients insured

Q: Why is the refinance analysis not pulling any information about the current mortgage? 

A: Please make sure you have linked the mortgage to the asset in the “Liabilities” tab and added this property as “existing security” in the “Security Details” tab

Q: Can I split a loan (product)?

A: Yes, you can create an application with multiple loan splits

Q: Can I create a PDF summary for max borrowing, product comparison, refinance analysis and/or the funding position in broker tools (deal)?

A: Yes, from every tab mentioned in Broker Tools you will have the option to view and create a PDF summary document (upper right corner of page > “create documents” button)

Q: Can I create a pre-approval application?

A: Yes, in the “Security Details” tab (Broker Tools) please fill out the address as TBA

Q: Can I refer clients for additional services (insurance, relocation services etc.)?

A: Yes, our system offers prime Diversification Opportunities feature that the clients might require at the time of loan application or regular loan reviews.

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